Laura N. McKinney

Senior Of Counsel

(510) 877-5821

Laura McKinney is Senior Of Counsel at Redwood Public Law and provides legal counsel to numerous public entities.  Laura has extensive experience in all areas of California law relating to local government administration, operations, decision-making and community outreach. For example, her recent experience ranges from drafting a Joint Powers Authority agreement and negotiating a variety of complex leases, to preparing administrative citation ordinances and developing related implementation and training programs for special districts and cities alike.

Laura’s background also includes serving as District Counsel for the West Valley Sanitation District for seven years, Authority Counsel for the East Bay Regional Communications System Authority for five years and Deputy City Attorney for the City of Berkeley for fifteen years.  While at the City of Berkeley, she provided transactional advice to City departments in the areas of land use, planning and building, nuisance abatement, housing, redevelopment, the Code Enforcement Unit and the Berkeley Housing Authority. Laura drafted a wide range of ordinances, including those addressing massage establishments, development near creeks, inclusionary housing and density bonuses, relocation of tenants and nuisance abatement.

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