John D. Bakker


(510) 877-5815

John Bakker is a hands-on, practical, and creative public lawyer with more than 25 years of experience. He has been the City Attorney of the City of Dublin for 16 years, is the City Attorney for the City of Cotati, and serves as general counsel to Kensington Fire Protection District, Mountain House Community Services District, Napa Sanitation District, and RecycleMore.  

John is an experienced and knowledgeable advisor on the full range of public law issues. Clients and colleagues call on his expertise on topics such as government finance (Propositions 13, 62, and 218, Property tax, state revenues), Political Reform Act compliance (lobbying, conflicts, campaign finance), housing law, and Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act (annexations, incorporations, and reorganizations).

Redwood’s clients rely on John’s knowledge of funding issues related to utility and other public infrastructure projects. He has advised numerous clients on development impact fees; the adoption and increase of water, sewer, stormwater and solid waste service charges; and water and sewer connection and capacity charges.

John understands all aspects of Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) proceedings, and he puts his knowledge to work helping clients pursue LAFCO approvals or oppose them. He drives winning LAFCO strategies by game planning a proceeding from its design and initiation to the recordation of the certificate of completion. Representative matters include assisting a special district serving territory—now the City of Goleta—that was the subject of competing incorporation and annexation proposals, opposing a neighboring city’s attempt to provide contract service to the United States Navy within the City of Coronado’s territory, and helping Mountain House Community Services District incorporate as California’s 483rd city.

The arcane aspects of state and local government law in California, which usually involve disputes between and among the state and other local agencies, get John animated. Even 20 years on, he could probably explain the triple flip, VLF swap, and Proposition 1A off the top of his head in clear and simple terms. He could also explain revenue neutrality, the ins and outs of property tax exemptions, the unitary tax, and the history of California’s property tax allocation system to you in an approachable way. His process is to develop a deep understanding of the context and history of the relevant statutory and constitutional provisions. Some examples include determining responsibility for unfunded liabilities upon withdrawal of members from a joint powers authority, representing agencies seeking reduced “property tax administration charges” following the VLF Swap and triple flip, and pushing back on HCD’s assertion of broad authority in reviewing Housing Elements for substantial compliance with state law.

  • Moderator, “SB 9 and the End of Single Family Zoning in California: What You Need To Know,” Meyers Nave webinar, September 27, 2021
  • Author, “Legislature Poised to Adopt Bill Legalizing Housing on Commercial Property,” Meyers Nave Client Alert, July 2, 2020 (also published on CEB’s Current Awareness Research Platform)
  • Presenter, “Housing Crisis: An Update on the Opportunities and Obligations Created by a Package of 20+ New Laws,” County Counsels’ Association of California, Spring Land Use Conference, 2020 (cancelled due to coronavirus pandemic)
  • Presenter, “Affordable Housing Law Update 2020,” CEB/Continuing Education of the Bar, 2020
  • Author, “Housing Law Update: Summary of California’s New Housing Laws,” Public Law Journal, California Lawyers Association, Fall 2019
  • Presenter, “Affordable Housing Law Update,” County Counsels’ Association of California, Fall Land Use Conference, 2019
  • Author, “Housing Law Update: A Summary of California’s New Housing Laws,” Meyers Nave Client Alert, October. 23, 2019
  • Presenter, Brown Act Training, Urban Habitat Boards and Commissions Leadership Institute, 2019
  • Presenter, “How can Counties Comply with the FCC’s New Rule on Small Cell Wireless Deployment?”, County Counsels’ Association Land Use Conference, 2019
  • Presenter, “What Public Agency Attorneys Should Know About New and Amended Rules of Professional Conduct,” County Counsels’ Association Land Use Conference, 2019
  • Quoted, “What Happens if Cities Don’t Abide by New legislation to Speed Up Development Projects?”San Francisco Business Times, March 9, 2018
  • Presenter, “Conducting Effective General Manager Evaluations,” California Special Districts Association Leadership Academy, 2018
  • Presenter, “LAFCOs and Special Districts: Pitfalls and Opportunities,” California Special Districts Association Annual Conference, 2017
  • Contributing Author, Implementation Guide for Propositions 26 and 218, League of California Cities, 2017
  • Presenter, “Everything You Didn’t Know What to Ask About Drones,” New Mexico Municipal League, 2016
  • Presenter, “Ethics Training for Public Officials,” California Association of Sanitation Agencies Annual Conference, 2016
  • Presenter, CLE Education Workshop, Association of California Water Agencies, 2015
  • Author, “What Can Municipalities Do About Drones?” The Municipal Lawyer Magazine, Nov/Dec 2015 Vol. 56, No. 5: 6-9
  • Presenter, “Drones – Legal and Regulatory Challenges over Use, Privacy and Public Safety,” Tri-Counties Local Government Attorneys Association, 2015
  • Presenter, “Using Drones for Governmental Purposes: Regulating the use of Drones in your Community,” International Municipal Lawyers Association, 80th Annual Conference, 2015
  • Author, “Drones – Legal and Regulatory Challenges over Use, Privacy and Public Safety Take Flight,” International Municipal Lawyers Association, 80th Annual Conference, 2015
  • Presenter, “Pursuing Careers in Public Law and Public Service,” State Bar of California Public Law Section, UC Hastings College of the Law, 2015
  • Presenter, “San Juan Capistrano Decision,” California Urban Water Conservation Council webinar, 2015
  • Reviewer, CEB, The California Municipal Law Handbook, Chapter 5
  • Presenter, “Board Member Compensation,” California Special Districts Association, 2014
  • Presenter, “AB 1234 Training,” California Association of Sanitation Agencies, 2014
  • Presenter, “AB 1234 Ethics Training,” California Special Districts Association Annual Conference, 2013
  • Presenter, “Local Agency Formation Commissions 101: A primer for Special Districts on the powers and responsibilities of LAFCOs,” California Special Districts Association Annual Conference, 2013
  • Moderator and Presenter, “Shared Services and Service Efficiencies,” CALAFCO University, 2012
  • Presenter, 84th Annual Meeting of the State Bar of California, “Proposition 26-Impact on State and Local Governments,” 2011
  • Author, Proposition 26 Implementation Guide, League of California Cities, 2011
  • Author, Proposition 218 Implementation Guide, League of California Cities, 2007
  • Author, amicus curiae letter to the California Supreme Court seeking review of Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association v. City of Salinas (S108349)
  • Presenter, “Current Issues in Proposition 218 Law,” League of California Cities, City Attorneys Spring Conference, 2007
  • Presenter, “Proposition 218 Update: Dealing with the Bighorn Case,” California Association of Sanitation Agencies Managers Meeting, 2007
  • Prepared a letter to the Attorney General on an opinion request regarding whether cities and counties may impose conditions on permits that would require developers to indemnify the city or county in the event that the permit is challenged
  • Presenter, “Proposition 218’s Rules for Property-Related Fees,” California Association of Sanitation Agencies, Attorneys Committee, 2006
  • Presenter, “Condominium Conversions,” League of California Cities, 2006 Planner’s Institute, 2006

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Oakland, CA 94612

(510) 721-3210